
Organised by Inholland University of Applied Science and the University Federico II in cooperation with Variable K.

The universities also involved are: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Munster Technological University.



  • Fondazione Ente Ville Vesuviane;
  • Herculaneum Archaeological Park;
  • Naples State Archives;
  • Vesuvius National Park;
  • Virtual Archaeological Museum.

"Regenerative Practices in Herculaneum" VI School of Tourism Methodology and B.I.P.

This is an intensive, interdisciplinary course that combines online learning activities with practical experience in the field.
Thanks to the support of the partners involved and 15 experts, 35 students from four European universities will work together on projects for the enhancement of cultural and social heritage through various research, study and brainstorming activities, alternating with direct interaction with the territory and the social fabric.


  • Understanding spatial dynamics:
    This approach will enable students to grasp the mutual influences between environment, culture and urban development.

  • Interdisciplinary learning and collaboration:
    Fostering collaboration between students from different universities and countries (Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands)

  • Cultural heritage enhancement:
    Preparing students to understand how regenerative management of cultural heritage can promote innovative and sustainable tourism interventions.

  • Sustainable tourism design:
    Developing sustainable tourism concepts that improve local quality of life and promote a more resilient society.

  • Involvement of the local community:
    Stimulate dialogue between students, universities and local communities to identify solutions that meet the needs of the area.

  • Prototyping and idea development:
    Providing a context in which students can experiment, refine and present their ideas, proposing practical and innovative solutions and strategies.

The programme:


  • Friday 18 October
    9:15 am - Conference at the University of Naples Federico II
    Title: ‘Tourism Models and Placemaking in Urban Contexts: Comparing Methodologies, Social Categories and Spatial Effects’.
    During the conference, Variabile K will present its activities, projects and future objectives, offering an overview of its work in the Herculaneum area. The introduction will be dedicated to the students and project partners, preparing the group for the activities in the field.

  • Saturday 19 October
    9:30 a.m. - Activities on the territory of Herculaneum
    The students will be divided into two subgroups:
    - Group 1: Participation in the ‘Ercolano tra pezze e ricchezze’ tour, an itinerary exploring local history, from the post-eruption phases of Vesuvius to the present day. Students will have the opportunity to dialogue directly with shopkeepers, residents and visitors, deepening the link between community and territory.
    - Group 2: Cooking class as part of the ‘Tavuliata’ project. The students will learn how to prepare typical Herculaneum dishes with the help of local cooks, discovering how food can become a powerful tool for tourist attraction and cultural enhancement.

  • Sunday 20 October
    13:30 - Excursion to the Gran Cono of Vesuvius
    Students will be guided by the Faculty of Biology of the Federico II University on an educational excursion to Mount Vesuvius. The focus will be on the autochthonous flora, volcanic morphology and geology, providing a better understanding of the volcano's eruptive history and its impact on the surrounding environment
  • Monday 21 October
    10:00 - Visit to the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum
    Students will explore the archaeological site accompanied by experts and discover the history of the ancient city.
    15:00 - Group work in the MAV (Virtual Archaeological Museum)
    Collaborative work session to develop ideas and projects to promote the heritage of Herculaneum.

  • Tuesday 22nd October
    9:00 - Brainstorming and workshop at Villa Campolieto
    Students will take part in a participatory design workshop with the aim of developing sustainable and innovative tourism interventions for the area, supported by local partners and teachers.

  • Wednesday 23rd October
    9:00 - Final Project Presentation
    Students will present the results of their work to partners, the local community and experts in the field. The day will end with a feedback session and discussion on sustainable tourism and urban regeneration models.