01/06 — 30/06 FestiVar.K: festival of social creativity 2023

Every week in June
From 6pm

Romitorio di Villa Campolieto Corso Resina, 283 - Ercolano (NA)

The activities are free but they don’t include the access ticket to Villa Campolieto.

Single ticket: 5€
Annual card adults: 15€
Annual card children: 10€

Require info

Here comes the second edition of FestiVar.K: festival of social creativity. Open-air cinema, music and live performances, workshops and community audits await you in the splendid venue of Villa Campolieto.

FestiVar.K, the festival of social creativity, was created with the goal of making the heritage venues of Herculaneum more and more spaces of interaction and participation for local communities and visitors. Through the involvement of young artists we enhance the creativity of locals. The activities are designed so that users are not just passive users, but find opportunities to test their manual skills, their artistic inclinations and be inspired by the place.

The furniture and games were built by the Variable K team and the local community with reused materials.

Discover the full programme: